Having pretty nails is the easiest way to make a good first impression. Your manicure is the first thing people notice when they shake your hand. Having bitten, broken, or dirty nails is the last thing you want, especially if you’re a boss babe or on a date. So let...
The glazed-nails trend has been breaking the Internet ever since it was born. It was everywhere on Instagraм, Twitter, and jυst aboυt every other social мedia platforм that yoυ can think of. People go wild for it, rυshing to their local nail salons to reqυest a look for theмselves. And...
The summer is the one time that I almost always have my nails done. When you’re in a super cute swimsuit at the beach with a straw hat and rocking a nice tan, gorgeous summer nails really complete the look. Nail trends don’t change a ton from year to year,...
September is here, which means fall is on its way. If you’re looking for a simple yet eye-catching manicure to jumpstart your cozy season, this list is what you’re looking for. Pretty nails can elevate your appearance and add a touch of elegance to your look, so let’s vamp up...